Super Premium, highly durable, ARMOR IIMAK SP330, Medical Waste bag Label Printer .....
Ribbon, Resin, 89mm x 450m, glossy Black, for TSC TTP-246M Pro flat head .....
healthcare ..
thermal transfer printers.
Other healthcare applications: coding/marking of labels for Breast Milk Bank, Egg .....
freezing bag, IV solution bag, Human Pathological Waste bag, Plasma bag, .....
Biohazard disposal bag, Microbiological waste bag, Mortuary & Autopsy .....
centre bags, Drainage bag, Pharmacy Medication Identification for use in .....
hospitals, clinics, and .
donation centres
Inking: coated side out (CSO)
A proven replacement for Zebra 3200/4800/5095, ITW B325, Intermec .....
ThermaMAX TMX 3000 series/3710, DNP R300/R550
Offers excellent clean & bold print finish with well defined small & standard size .....
alphanumeric characters for precise lifetime durable barcoding, data legibility, .....
donor/patient identification, traceability and safety in medical/healthcare .....
Prints well on synthetic & coated paper (including specialist packaging materials .....
such as Tyvek)
Superb adhesion to substrates and high level resistance to smear/smudge, storage .....
freezing, thawing through condensation, ageing, humidification, gamma/steam .....
sterilisation, heat, most chemicals, and stress & abrasion (especially during .....
Compatible Flat head thermal transfer desktop & industrial healthcare label printers: .....
TSC TTP-246M Pro, TTP-344M Pro, TTP-346MT, TTP-644MT, TPP-2410MT, etc.
Compatibility with regulations: complies with RoHS & 2002/95/EC (heavy metals), .....
1935/2004/EC & USA (FDA) (food contact), REACH (no substances of high concern). .....
Non toxic
Lead Time: 1 - 3 days
Available on 25.4mm ID Core, Flush Cardboard, Black, 24 rolls/box